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What is the exchange rate of AAVE (AAVE) in AUD?

The daily exchange rate of Aave (AAVE) to AUD fluctuated between a high of A$133.27 on Tuesday and a low of A$97.99 on Thursday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of AAVE in AUD had the largest 24-hour price movement on Monday (1 days ago) by A$15.30 ( 13.8% ).

What is the range of the AUD/USD price?

The first minor range is .7030 to .7266. The AUD/USD is currently trading on the weak side of its retracement zone at .7120 to .7148, making it resistance.

What is average unimproved value (AUV)?

** Average unimproved value (AUV) is the average of unimproved values (UV) over the last 5 years. Note: Unimproved values are as at 1 January 2022 and 1 January 2023 for the current stock of rateable residential parcels of land. This includes new properties and redeterminations.

What is the price of silver in AUD?

Silver Price in AUD is down $0.05 per ounce at the US close. Gold Price in AUD is up $11.65 per ounce at the US close. To follow our market commentary and more, create a free trading account online HERE. The 1kg Silver Perth Mint cast bar is the highest standard in investment grade silver bullion.

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